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Saturday 20th July 19.00 till midnight

Go back in time to the 60s and 70s for a great night of memories and music.

Or if you were not born then come along to our party and see what your parents were doing.

The Hotel Costa Blanca Resort would like to invite you to our step back in time party, our DJ will play all the old favorites while you site back on our terrace that will be themed for that period.

Our old time menu will have all the foods that you once loved to eat.

All our guests are invited to search though their wardrobes and wear clothes of that time.

966713957 or 647903936

[email protected]

Now that's what I like!!! Throw in a free mini bus home and we'll come, haha!

Commented casabiza in La Marina 2013-07-16 08:20:56 UTC

OK I will see what we can do

How many of you and from where would you like to be picked up from

Commented Love Spain in La Marina 2013-07-16 08:55:03 UTC

La marina - about 8 of us - maybe more if I can get it organised...

Commented casabiza in La Marina 2013-07-16 10:19:22 UTC

Most of the people on La Marina still wear there clothes from the 60s/70s hehehehhahah

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2013-07-16 14:39:53 UTC

Enough of us want to go and they will put a bus on - anyone interested? Bit short of time to organise anything now...Maybe next time?

Commented casabiza in La Marina 2013-07-17 08:05:13 UTC

wish I could still get into my clothes from the 60s n 70s lol.

Commented stevehutchinson39 in La Marina 2013-07-17 11:38:43 UTC