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Hola! Just introducing myself :)

Well after four years of umming and ahhing I've made the jump and moved to more relaxed and (after 22 years of living in The Broads) hopefully sunnier climbs :) All unpacked and it feels like someone has pulled the lid off a pressure cooker.

About me, well single, but not looking in any sense at all. I've two children aged 27 & 29. I believe in sharing skills with the community free of charge, and to that end I used to work as an IT lecturer. So if you need free help or advice on anything technical relating to computers/ software/ or just can't get online, or get rid of that pesky virus I'm your man, the cost is nothing, but i drink a cold carling if you ever see me sitting outside a bar :)

Looking forward to finding nice restaurants, eating olives and just relaxing by the pool, catching up on 20 years of reading, and most importantly sunshine, and meeting new friends. I'm pretty easy to spot as I have half an ear! So if you see me bewildered and trying to get by in my awful Spanglish - please feel free to help out!

I'm Paul by the way, and I hope to meet you all over the next few years.


Welcome Paul. Quesada seems to be a bit more relaxed than La Marina and I'm sure you will enjoy it.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-11-25 09:53:48 UTC