noise to Alan

(If the police closed down all the bars that DONT have a MUSIC licence on the Urb,I think you would find yourself with about 3 bars to choose from as I believe thats about how many are legal with regard to music). This is the statement made on here by a bar cafe owner. And as regards to Jeff visiting the bars cafes do you want me to find that for you as well its on his site.

Sorry Skywalker,only three bars left open,after you and your cohorts close the rest down (in your dreams)sorry wont affect my drink habits in the least,i am a non alcohol drinker.So I gather you cannot find the comment made by a bar cafe owner who you stated said that only 2 bars had a music license,I have trawled through the last two weeks or so of forum comments,and would appreciate if you could tell me which page it is on,surely not a lot to ask.I know what Jeff said and i know what he says he has already done,but as usual with your comments,i dont remember me mentioning Jeff or my lack of knowledge of it,this goes to proove you are seeing things that you imagine are there

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-04-08 14:15:04 UTC