Maybe this will put a pause in the Bar / Noise complaint issue.

After reading all the Bar / Noise issues on this forum plus talking to some Spanish friends who live very close to the Consum Bars it is obvious there is an issue / problem that needs to be sorted out, let’s face it, one bar owner has said himself about all the shouting, broken glass etc etc.
I have never been against the bars (except Bingo, cannot stand it) although even I Can sometime hear the noise from the Consum Bars and I live a couple of roads away, let’s face it outside nigh time noise does carry on the wind. I have to admit I was in a friend’s house in C/Del Parque and I was amazed that I could feel the vibration the base bump or whatever you call it from one of the bars located across the road from him though his lounge floor, problem I guess with the property being built on Rock.
Maybe this forum is not the place to do it. However I think people including myself feel free to post on this forum especially as the Bars and Bar entertainment (noise) is openly advertised on here, plus more importantly Jeff use to post on here as well, guess you have to accept the positives as well as the minuses, that’s life on an open forum.
Maybe the Council needs to review the issue of the opening hours, 1:30 till 3 am or later when located outside your house (nor mine thank god) is just NOT on, OK if you live far enough away not to hear the Bars, however if you live just a few feet away, then yes I guess it is unbearable. I guess midnight would be acceptable especially for those that have to go to work and those with kid’s who have to be up early in order to go to school.
I hear people keep on about Joe Blogs etc. trying his best to keep the noise down and yes IMHO I guess he does try, however if the business is a café, then that is what it is, if a Bar need Double doors, Soundproofing and noise limiters, to play music, then so be it, yes it costs money, I know I have been there and done it. It is the law, if a bar wants to play music, then they need to be legal, install whatever is necessary and apply for the correct licence.
If a Bar undertakes all of the above and Valencia refuses the licence, then it is because the premises or the location of the premises are not suitable. San Fulgencio council need to apply the correct rules, and sort out the problem once and for all and stop all the complaints, prior to Valencia getting involved and issuing fines that we the rate payers will end up paying.
Also a lot of big issues over what is permissible, according to Jeff it was 90 dba, in my own house of an evening and measured with an un calibrated dBA meter it is about 48 dba, 55dba with the TV on at a good level. 90dba is VERY VERY loud. I am not sure what the total noise level / dba would be if 2 bars generated 50dba each, let alone 5 bars.
If any of the residents who live on top of the Bars visit San Fulgencio council, then yes it would be nice if they could post on here the response.
I am surprised that Jeff being of the council has not mentions the correct way to raise an issue with the Council. It is no use talking to them, the correct way in Spain is to complete a Solicitud, ( this should be completed in Spanish, however as we pay for several translators within Jeff’s office it should not be a problem if completed in your own language, ask them to translate it for you. When completed, you take this document to San Fulgencio Town Hall reception area on the first floor make sure they stamp it and give you a copy back, this document ensures that your concern is raised at a council meeting.

As said in Post title, Maybe this will put a pause in the Bar / Noise complaint issue.

La Marina

Very good post, i will download thr form.
You Can also have my ip, tell me how I find it

Commented Samantha in La Marina 2012-04-11 14:54:56 UTC

Are you sure the noise is coming from the
Consum area.
Has I remember when I was over in March 2012
There was a bar between the White Swan and
the AJ's that was belting very load
music and on another day Karaoke every night
in which did have there doors constantly open every time.

And this is at an higher point than the Consum
so the noise will travel across.

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2012-04-11 20:22:18 UTC

Hi Grant.
Yes it is the Consum bars, I have a couple of very good friends who have lived by the Consum Bars since their house was built, some 20 odd years ago.

Should claify, lived 20 odd years ago there was no Bars, I meant people lived in the area long befor the Bars

I think that it has become more of a problem as more and more bars have opend up on what was basically a 100% residencial area. As I understand it the localresidents had un-written rules when they moved in, basically they followed the Spanish way of life, piece and quiet at Siesta time etc. One of my friend tells me he even has Bingo via loud speakers from one of the Bar terraces during the good weather, I find this hard to believe as if you dare talk when Bingo is on all you get is shush shush.
In a way I feel a little sorry for the Hog's Head, guess his bar has turned out to be "a case of the straw that broke the Camels Back", especially as he does have a large outside seating area just a few yards from his neighbours bedroom.

Unfortunately the problem around the Consum area has been a bone of contention that started back in 2003.

My bone of contention is the Bas***d who insists on screeming and shouting on his way home in the early hours, so tempted to nip out with a baseball bat, however not sure if you get colour telly in a Spanish nick.

Commented Golfer in La Marina 2012-04-12 08:28:13 UTC

I know I may be getting old but I do not think I am senile Golfer. We moved out here in 2003 and I do not remember seeing anything built on the, what is now the Consum Area, it was all wasteland. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think so. I can remember walking down Calle Monacco turning left and then turning right, not a bar or shop in sight!!!!!!!!!

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-04-12 13:11:39 UTC

You are correct, some 10 years ago it was nice open countryside with orange groves, you had to keep an eye out for snakes when walking through them though

I meant to say friends who have lived in the area 20 + years, basically were the Consum Bars are now.

Sorry Eve. could be me who is senile

Commented Golfer in La Marina 2012-04-12 13:53:19 UTC

Thinking about what Grant states:

"Are you sure the noise is coming from the
Consum area.
Has I remember when I was over in March 2012
There was a bar between the White Swan and
the AJ's that was belting very load
music and on another day Karaoke every night
in which did have there doors constantly open every time.

And this is at an higher point than the Consum
so the noise will travel across"

Grant could well have identified one of the problems.

It could well be that this noise drifts across towards the Consum Bars and their noise adds to the noise generated from the consum bars. God know what the dBA level is !!!

As for the poor bu**er trying to get to sleep in the early hours, well he will think it's the Bar across the street.

Commented Golfer in La Marina 2012-04-12 14:07:02 UTC

just wondering if this noise is constant like every night both summer and winter? In summer you have to expect noise with holiday makers etc. not that it makes it any easier for the people living near but surely some flexibility could be shown in the high season, after all that's when businesses earn their money and this enables them to live during the quiet times of year and to pay their bills etc

Commented Negotiator in La Marina 2012-04-12 16:06:39 UTC

I think the problem is that quite a lot of people have to get up and go to work and I guess a load of bars making as much noise as like will p*ss people off.

I think if the bars closed at midnight it might help.

Better still, why the Council dont make ALL the bars fit noise limiters that cut the electric to the bar beats me. Bars would HAVE to keep the noise down or loose their electric, pay a fine or face closeure etc etc etc

I understand this type of equipment is nor being installed in Alicane & Torrevieja etc

Commented Golfer in La Marina 2012-04-13 09:15:36 UTC

When we lived in Blackpool all Working mens clubs stopped the music at 11 0'clock and everyone was out by 11.30. I think it has been extended until 12 0'clock now. Everyone was happy. All the clubs were in built up areas. All doors were kept shut. No hassle.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-04-13 09:37:53 UTC