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WOULD ANYONE LIKE FREE Compuer/Internet Training?

Are you struggling with Facebook, You Tube, Twitter or any of the social medias, or just how to talk to your family on line? Do you struggle downloading pics and creating a file? Or are you thinking about building your own website?
Whatever your level we are starting FREE classes at Manolo´s Restaurant in Doña Pepa, they have wi fi connection so all input will be practical, just bring your laptops along.
We will be starting very soon please register as groups will be small, and leveled on needs and prior knowledge.
Ring Aggio on 966 716 919


What a great idea, I love Facebook and know that it can do so much more than I use it for. I will contact you as soon as I can, NO phone yet. Are you sure there is no cost.

Commented Dawn in La Marina 2011-04-01 15:33:11 UTC