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missing cat

I hope that someone may be able to help me. My cat has gone missing on La Marina in the Calle Lisboa area. He is 9 years old, black with tiny white bits and answers to Timi. He is wearing a collar, however, he is not chiipped. If anyone sees him please ring Brenda on 622246185. Thankyou


Has Timi come home yet Brenda?

Team ASL

Commented Support in Alicante 2016-04-27 12:58:55 UTC

Did you fine your cat?

Commented John the Golfer in Quesada 2016-05-17 12:59:48 UTC

Yes thank goodness. A very nice German lady rang the vet when a strange cat had been coming to feed with some of the feral cats that she looks after. That was this morning, 17th May.
Thank you for enquiring.

Commented bfmbentley123 in La Marina 2016-05-17 14:04:05 UTC