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Miguel Angel Jimenez the charismatic Spanish golfer will be inaugurating the street named in his honor, this Sunday at 5.30pm.
It would be nice if the local golfing community turned out in force to show their appreciation for him taking time out from his busy schedule. The event will take place near the roundabout by the Bull Flanagan. This will round off the Pro Am tournament which is taking place on sunday morning.


Sounds like a nice event that we would like to go to, but could someone let me know where the Bull Flanagan is.


Commented Papillon in La Marina 2011-03-19 09:58:16 UTC

The Bull Flanagan is next to the roundabout in the golf course, which has a statue of Justo Quesada and his wife on it.

Commented oracle in Quesada 2011-03-19 20:42:09 UTC