The Anual " Presentation night" Charity 4 Charities is a night not to miss. Wednesday 30th Nov.
Four Act´s from "Elite Entertainment" are giving their time freely as is Bobby Dazzler who will compare.
Those people lucky enough to obtain tickets ,"please arrive no later than 7.pm show starts 7.30.
Dress attire "Black tie" or nearest. Buffet fit for the Queen or should I say the Major, because he will be there to give his suport. The Bull Flannigan is the Venue as usual. The nine Charities we are suporting throughout 2011 will each recieve €1,000. THANK YOU FOR EVERYONE WHO YEAR AFTER YEAR CONTINUE TO GIVE US THEIR SUPORT, mostly by turning up at our Auction every Tuesday. Ther are still a few outside(under cover) tickets available from the Bull Flannigan ( see Rachel)All inside tickets "SOLD OUT" TICKETS €10 INC FOOD & ENTERTAINMENT . For info on this years suported Charities.Tel. Sandra/ Dave. 966712803. This is definatly the Event of the Year. Thank You.