banco mediolanum

hi all ,like all we are all struggling and living is becoming harder ,i was banking with la caixa since 10 yrs and my ex bank manager was absolutely fantastic she done every thing for us outside her work line ,she left 3 yrs ago to persue a new career and since then the bank has not been the same with rising costs on everything and the help was not there anymore , Rocio has come back to the business and is now a manager of banco mediolanum , i moved over with her and since have been very happy with not just the service from rocio but with the free costs on everything to every one ,free money transfers , 4% interest paid monthly , free internet banking ,free accounting , easy mortgages , free notary attendancies , free will making .also when ever you contact the bank you will have your own representative assigned to you , since being a part of banco mediolanum i have since become a bank advisor for Rocio working from home going out meeting new clients to introduce to the bank they simply offer every thing free in order to grow in spain . bank mediolanum is 50% italian bank relatively new in spain , the other 50% is owned by santader, bbva ,deutsch bank,and banesto , you can use all banks free with over 8400 banks in spain alone , google banco mediolanum and do your home work if any one is interested to meet i am only to happy to discuss your requirements , please note that you will NOT need to give me any money or any details of your personal wealth , i will not ask for anything only to go over what the bank has to offer and if your happy with that i will take you to the branch for you to discuss your requirements with Rocio .the bank is located in los alcazzares, you can make contact by e mail to [email protected] and i will get back to you .
