Christmas at El Corazón

Please reserve you table for a traditional christmas lunch on christmas day!
(only a few places left)

Christmas lunch menu
( 25th of December)

Choices of starters

* Prawn Cocktail Salad

* Plate of mixed lightly toated bread
with paté, serrano ham and melon

*Coliflower cream soup
with truffels and croutons

Choices of main courses

* Stuffed fresh turkey and ham, served with
sprouts, carrots, mashed sweet potatoes,
roasted potatoes and gravy

* Fillet of merluza rolled with
smoked salmon and lemon dill sauce
and caviar of salmon

* Vegetarian on request

Choices of desserts

* Christmas pudding with hot custard

* Real Baked alaska

Only €30,- per person

Hotel El Corazón
Calle Jupiter esq calle apolo
96 671 39 57