k9 Responding

K9 are now responding to the post implying they were not involved with the three German Sheperd puppies, on Tuesday mat 1st, K9 received a call from a lady called Cynthia explaining that the puppies had been taken in after being seen to be thrown out of a car, this lady asked K9 to help, as the puppies needed homes urgently, otherwise they would have to be put down.
k9 agreed to help and made arrangements for the puppies to be brought into the shop on saturday May 5th, meanwhile an urgent appeal for fosterers was put out by K9 across a number of forums, websites etc, and as a result we managed to find some foster carers ready for saturday.
Impact charity had also seen the appeal and although unable to offer a home of any kind, did offer to donate 100 euros towards the up keep of the dogs.
K9 and Cynthia were in constant contact over these puppies and on Friday May 4th, in the afternoon, K9 received a phone call from Cynthia saying all the puppies had been
re-homed and she thanked K9 effectively for all their support and help.
K9 explained about the money but was told everything was now sorted, K9 stated they would put aside the 100 Euros for them, should the puppies need further support, after that it would be up to Impact charity as to what the 100 Euros would be used for.
K9 assists many individuals with animal care costs this way.

Again as mentioned before there are a small number of people who really want to discredit K9, unfortunately this is only a reflection on themselves as human beings.
They have nothing else better to do and all they are succeeding in doing is drawing attention away from other issues, which they do not want questioned, nothing to do with K9

So la marina, decide for yourselves.


La Marina


I am beginning to believe that you, as the spokesperson for K9 on this forum, either you are being used by other K9 committee members to post fabricated stories, or you are making it up as you go along....

1. Why does the K9 web site today still have an appeal on the Latest News page for foster homes or permanent homes for these puppies (probably it will be removed immediately now that I have brought your attention to it)!
Also, nothing on the web site about them going to new homes!

2. If the puppies were homed on 4th May and K9 paid nothing towards their care, why only now, after a post on this forum and a subsequent phone call from Christine at Impact charity shop, has K9 president Sheona Lavisher responded saying she will "put aside the 100 Euros for them, should the puppies need further support, after that it would be up to Impact charity as to what the 100 Euros would be used for"!

3. The lady that rescued these puppies and cared for them is named Caroline. WHO IS CYNTHIA ???

For confirmation of who was involved in helping to home these puppies... Click here: 


Commented Sandra in La Marina 2012-06-06 11:43:00 UTC


I just checked out that forum where there is a picture of these dogs. From what I can see that picture was added on the 30th of April it also states if these dogs can not be re homes they will be put down.
If your name is really Sandra them do me a favour email me on [email protected]
If you have this Caroline's number it would be interesting to give her a call if I passed the number on to impact charity.
Someone is telling porky pies here, wether it be K9 or Sandra but someone is.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-06-06 12:29:59 UTC

Having just spoke to the woman who handled these 3 German sheep pupps I am so shocked at the lies K9 have come out with. Maybe you did get the name wrong, but this lady was never offered the money from K9 at all. Trevor and myself handed over this donation to K9, so it's going to be us that deals with this.
This lady is gobsmacked by what I told her and how K9 stated they offered the €100 euros. When I get this written statement from the lady I will publish it on here and probably speak to Gemma Quinn from the leader.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-06-07 09:24:44 UTC

So Graham Cain,

Please tell us all who is pulling your strings, who is telling you what to write on forums and in the press? Is it K9 president Sheona Lavisher, or K9 treasurer Diane Smith, your sons fiance's mother!

Or, are you the puppet master yourself?

Whichever it is, you are a disgrace to the concept of charitable work. You personally have been instrumental in dragging down with you other totally dedicated and honest volunteers that do great work for local charites and in particular those dedicated to the rescuing and rehoming of animals. I hope you can sleep at night!


Commented Sandra in La Marina 2012-06-07 10:10:22 UTC