Dear Friends of Paul Cunningham Nurses


We are having a very special Auction on Tuesday November 8th at THE MARJAL (just off the N332 in Guardamar) I had a little elf to help me but sadly she has returned to elf land!

Could you find something at the back of one of your cupboards that we could auction or could you ask a local business or restaurant near you if they would kindly donate an auction lot.

If you can help I would be very grateful and entrance tickets are only €2 – more details about the actual auction will be in the local press very soon and are already on our website

Many thanks for taking the time to read this request for help – tick tock the clock is ticking......please contact me soon.

Susan Reader [email protected]

P.S. We already have over 25 auction lots and one is a full page advert in colour in RTN so if you are talking to any businesses, they might like to make an advance bid for this – we will take bids for half or even a quarter page – we currently have a bid which amounts to €300 for the complete page.
