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Surely the worst Formula 1 race in the history of the sport. Why did they not start the race properly and as they have stopped for nearly 2 hours, it would have made sense to stop the race completely. Why did I sit through watching people sweep the track and commentators saying the same things to pass the time. I must be going bonkers.


Surely one of the best F1 races of all time (once it got going) it was down the the wire to the last, Button was in last spot at one point and won it on the last lap, just goes to show you should never give up

Commented John the Golfer in Quesada 2011-06-13 11:31:08 UTC

Hi John,
Exactly right ¨Once it got going¨ it was the 2 hours of dourness before that really made me sleep, you must admit that, once you got through that then I agree it was good at the end.

Commented savemoney61 in Almoradi 2011-06-13 16:29:55 UTC

I can see what you mean savemoney, my husband was stuck on the same channel from 6pm until the end, more than 5 hours later, he enjoyed it, luckily we have another tv, so I watched what I wanted or I would have been bored to tears.

Commented js424400 in Almoradi 2011-06-13 16:50:20 UTC