Quesada Country Club

We thought we would have a change of venue last night so we went to the Quesada Country Club. I had already phoned up to see who would be entertaining and it was Ricky Powel.

Anyway we arrived - in the pouring rain. Walked into the Venue - very nicely presented - nice tables and comfy expensive looking chairs, Christmas decorations, twinkly lights - nice surroundings.
We had a lovely meal at a reasonable price, except the bottle of wine which our friends bought which was 7.50 euros - which is much more expensive than usually paid !

For most of the evening there were only Ian and myself and our 2 friends, plus another couple on another table. What a shame that was. A few people drifted in at about 9.30 but there was no atmosphere whatsoever. The total in the room all evening was 12 and the majority of these did not have a meal.

After my meal, as usual, I went up to order a coffee only to be told by the miserable owners that the machine had been switched off. I asked them to switch it back on as we would all like a coffee. No, when the main restaurant closes - which I might add nobody had been in there all night - the coffee machine is switched off. I was told that was their policy. In no uncertain terms I told him that it was a bloody stupid policy. Most people enjoy a cup of coffee after finishing their meal don't they? The gentleman owner was more interested in reading his newspaper than being pleasant to the few customers that they had in their establishment - people like that do not deserve to do well with their business when they just cannot be bothered. After all he could even have made our coffee's by boiling the kettle couldn't he, but he just didn't care? We would actually have taken large parties there in the future, but we will not bother now with his attitude !! In future we will go to places where we get a nice warm welcome by owners/staff that are pleasant to us.

I must add that Ricky Powel was truly Excellent. We had seen him many many years ago and liked him then. Although it must have been very sole destroying for Ricky he put a really brilliant show on all the evening. Ricky only had a couple of very short breaks during the evening. He was very concerned that he would not get paid if he was even slightly late returning back to stage. We would most certainly go and see Ricky Powel again, especially if he is in the La Marina area.
SO, any of you bar/restaurant Owners looking for a brilliant singer/entertainer contact Ricky - Very Professional with such a beautiful voice !!


Do you not think 'arriving in the pouring rain' may have played a part in the place being quiet?
I'm presuming you didn't go into the main restaurant and so assume there was no need to switch the coffee machine on at all.
Therefore you had a reasonably priced,lovely meal in nice surroundings, with entertainment and your main complaint is that the coffee machine wasn't on and you thought the wine expensive.
I agree Ricky Powell is good, but he's not free and I hope you havn't made it difficult for him by suggesting he thought he may not get paid if he was slightly late.

Commented Select Air in Quesada 2011-12-04 12:17:49 UTC

I would of thought that a high percentage of persons who go out for a meal finish off with a coffee. So the idea of turning off the coffee machine when there are still clients around is to say the least rather short sited. The very least the proprietor could of done, was to of offered to of at least made the clients coffee by hand. My training in the restaurant trade was that the client was always right.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-12-04 16:59:13 UTC

Totally agree Carol, Ricky Powell was fantastic, food was excellent and the ambience of the room was lovely, but realising the service and un-friendlyness of the staff, no wonder it was so empty.

I told another friend about our experience and she actally lives in Quasada and had been there 2 weeks earlier - a party of 25 people and they were the only group in the room and she said the attitude of the staff has put them off going the again.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-12-04 22:53:14 UTC

Hi Carole
I am normally a fan of the quesada club and do use it regularly however on this occasion I have to agree with you.

Im not much of a drinker myself and would often much prefer a coffee in the evenings.

As a coffee shop owner in the Uk with an all singing all dancing coffee machine I know from experience that it isnt a huge job to clean down the coffee machine its mainly
an automated process save for a few bits and bobs you have to do by hand.

Anyway I agree in this current economic climate you would think business owners would do their best to accomodate customers as long as theyre spending money.

So if you think thats bad what about this one, friend of ours arrived on quesada very recently after an evening flight, no shops open, no food in. Went to the quesada club for a coffee hoping to get maybe a sandwich or light snack alyhough she knew the kitchen would probably close at 9pm.

On arriving she could smell food cooking so She asked anyway and was politley told sorry no , the kitchens closed, dissapointed she thought fair enough.

Some time later a hot buffet was brought out from the kitchen to feed the teams playing darts or pool.

I thought it was absolutley disgraceful and thoughtless to do this to a customer. okay they were not duty bound to assist her but under the circamstances wouldnt you think the chef or owner (who was present) might have been able to put a little something together for this lady considering they were in their cooking anyway.

Its not the first time ive heard these type of complaints about the quesada country club, they have in the past been accused of favouring their own clique of regulars but if they keep that up they will ultimatley pay the price.

My own experience of the quesada club swings between excellent service nd poor service, Im not sure what that depends upon,maybe whatever mood theyre in ?

Last time I was in for sunday lunch I had an good meal but listened to the waiting staff bitching on and sniping at each other throughout the whole meal. Clearly staff morale is low at this establishment.

On the other hand I am informed by many that the propietor of the other "Club" on quesada ( next to the bowls) goes to the end of the earth for the customers and nothing is too much trouble for her ?

With harsh times ahead, why dont businesses offering a personal serivce look at the bigger picture and remember that if theyre not prepapred to go that extra mile then for every customer they treat shabilly, that customers money will be gladly received elsewhere along with those customers who follow suit if staff keep this up.

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-12-04 23:04:40 UTC

My husband and I own Bobby's Bar in Quesada (in between cafe Roma and SunSeekers,) Although not a resturant we do do an evening bar Menu and many times late arrivals have come in as nothing is open and most kitchens close at 9pm. We always open our kitchen up and provide a meal / snack and have also provided milk, bread etc so they can have a drink and breakfast in the morning, and our coffee machine is never switched off until we close!! The weather does affect the evening trade but no matter how few come in they are made welcome by our staff, we have Cabaroke on a saturday nite by the fab Marie Evans and our bar staff are known for their dancing behind the bar to entertain the customers even when there is only a couple in, we're not a big flash bar but our customers come first every single time, and we offer a 'get u home service' if you dont want to drive we do everything we can to make you welcome and comfortable so perhaps give us a try one of these days!! see you there. from Craig, Lynne, and all the staff

Commented lynnehayes2007 in Quesada 2011-12-08 08:30:00 UTC

Bobbys Bar
Hi there I want to say here here! to your comments. You wont remember us but we visited you one evening in the summer, we were late commers but not drunks (lol) and it was obvious to us you were closing up so we didnt want to keep youi back, but as youve described in your comment above, you did indeed put us first without complaint or trouble and we did get coffee and a warm welcome and we werent made to feel at all imposing or uncomfortable. There wasnt any entertainement on when we arrived but as ive said we were late commers, our fault not yours.

We would indeed recommend bobbys as they certainly went the extra mile for us, so thank you for that and take note all you lot who cant be bothered, it will be bobbys bar that gets your customers

best regards

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-12-08 16:34:31 UTC

many thanks 4 ur comments about Bobby's Bar, there was no name but so glad u were made to feel welcome as we do r best, r customers mean everything to us and always will. One of the things we now offer on a Friday and Saturday nite is take away Burgers or u can eat them in as no one else offers them and we sure have the best burgers in Quesada!! so come and try them c u there

Commented lynnehayes2007 in Quesada 2011-12-10 18:16:36 UTC