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An Evening With Dramatic Licence

An Evening With Dramatic Licence
Who would believe the village fete organised by Gordon Gosforth could descend into such chaos? Everything from an unexpected storm and a bad-tempered tea urn conspire against him – not to mention a real scandal involving Millie, the tea lady. This is the farcical one act Play, Gosforth’s Fete by Alan Ayckbourn.
The second play, A Chip in the Sugar, is one of the Talking Heads series by Alan Bennett – a funny but thought-provoking monologue performed by Tony Holden.
The third play, Last Tango in Little Grimley by David Tristram is a hilarious comedy which we hope will give our audiences a glimpse of the problems all amateur theatre companies have, simply trying to put on a play. But sex sells. To find out how, you’ll have to come along to The Cardenal Belluga Theatre, San Fulgencio. Performances are at 8.00pm from Thursday 17th, Friday 18th and Saturday 19th May.
Tickets are 8 euros and available to order on line at for collection and payment at the door; by phoning 616 089 943 or to purchase directly they are available from:-
Cards & More, La Marina
The Card Shop, Ciudad Quesada
The Post Box, Dona Pepa
The Card Place, Benimar
The Post Room, Benijofar


Dramatic Licence shows are always well worth seeing. Not the usual rubbishy shows people put on around here. DL are close to Profressional standard in my opinion. And always very funny.

Commented david in Quesada 2012-05-12 16:37:30 UTC

Thank you for your kind comments. We are proud of the standards we have been able to maintain. However, we are also very careful not to insult groups who don't have our level of expertise. Audiences can make up their own minds.

Commented mail in Quesada 2012-05-13 10:22:30 UTC

Pleased that you enjoy Dramatic Licence shows, but is it really necessary to criticise other groups?
Please enlighten to other shows that you mention, as I've only lived in Quesada for eight years and still not sure of the area.

Commented Select Air in Quesada 2012-05-13 17:24:34 UTC

Around Torrevieja, DL is the only group that puts on shows to a high standard (drama, I am not talking about music). The others are no more than beginners having a go.
And then often they write their own reviews which the papers print.
My problem is that people think the money they pay to se the show is all is going to charity, but there are always expenses and only a minority of the money reaches a charity. To my mind, beginners should pay for their own learning curve, entrance be free, and collect the money in boxes at the door for the charity.

Unless the show is worth paying for.

Commented david in Quesada 2012-05-13 18:01:39 UTC

I have tried without success to delete this thread. With regard to money given to charity, all groups give what they can. In Dramatic Licence our primary aim is to be a drama group - not a fund raiser. Naturally we are always delighted to give what we can to our chosen charities - but there are many expenses involved in putting on a show. Costumes, scripts, royalties, storage and rehearsal facilities - but those of us who are properly registered keep accounts which are open to anyone to look at proving we do give what we can - in our case to Alzheimer's charities.
Traditionally amdram groups do not run each other down. Therefore I hope no-one else will get involved in this. Audiences generally know the standard of the show they are paying money to see - so they are entitled to vote with their feet.

Commented mail in Quesada 2012-05-13 18:57:18 UTC

Totally agree, but I was getting a bit fed up with so many negative comments about Quesada and La Marina areas in general. The impression it gives, is that people dont like living here anymore. I know thats not the case but if you read the last few posts it will put people off.

Commented Select Air in Quesada 2012-05-13 19:41:58 UTC