we ordered a bouquet from creative designs, and it was nothing short of stunning,...it's good to have this service on the urb with realistic prices and the free delivery was an added bonus,..i would recomend "creative designs" to anybody who required flowers for a special occasion.

Commented dragardian in Alicante 2012-08-09 08:33:28 UTC

Hi Sam, We are in need of cellophane paper for our hampers when we do a raffle for the Needy of San Fulgencio and La Marina, could you please tell me where I can obtain one of these rolls, and how much it will be. Many thanks

Commented Pauline in La Marina 2012-08-09 09:29:35 UTC

I am sure I have seen it in Domti and also in Eroski.

Commented Susan S in La Marina 2012-08-10 10:53:08 UTC

hi pauline,...sorry it's took me a while to post this reply,...all the cellophane that i use is shipped from the UK,...i tend to order mine through the likes of e-bay although the prices do vary somewhat,..i hope this has been of some help to you,...i would donate some of my cellophane but my stock is running low and in need of being topped up

Commented sam.smith5 in La Marina 2012-08-10 13:40:08 UTC

'Hi Sam, thanks for your help will look at ebay, as when you buy it in Chino shops its such a small roll not enough to do a basket of food. and They charge 1€ per roll. so as you can imagine I get through quite a lot. Cheers.

Commented Pauline in La Marina 2012-08-10 15:51:12 UTC