RETIREMENT COMPLEXES for the over 60's

Kei Homes Retirement Complexes

Kei Homes the ‘Retirement Home Specialists’ in Spain, have identified several properties on the Costas most suitable for retirement housing/sheltered accommodation including properties in and around the Torrevieja area, El Campello, Mazarron and Malaga area.

Kei Homes have always had the idea to create and manage several smaller retirement complexes up and down Spain and we are looking for investors to assist us or simply individuals who would benefit from such accommodation to come forward and join us in putting this adventurous but exciting venture into practice.

If you or someone you know are looking for this kind of accommodation, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

These properties will be available on a life-lease/freehold and rentable basis, and we are looking for enough people to make the idea viable. Prices will be very favorable.

Surely there are people out there who possibly need a little care and security who would like to stay on in Spain or arrive to Spain knowing there are suitable places to be had at affordable prices?!

This is a genuine chance and not a scam to provide small retirement complexes/sheltered accommodation with facilities and security befitting elderly people and /or those suffering from restricted mobility, and Kei-Homes is prepared to take the matter further if enough people show interest.

Please ring 680137429 or email [email protected]. for further information.
