Come and join us at The Royal Wedding Fiesta on Friday April 29th in Rojales This event has been organised by Paul Cunningham Nurses in association with Rojales Town Hall and supported by TKO Radio who will be there all day from 11.00a.m. until midnight. TKO will be providing non stop music and will also co-ordinate and and introduce all of our live acts for us. Entrance is completely FREE and there will be lots to do please take a look at our website www. for more details



Stevie Spit, Maria O´Hara, BJ Bluesman, Bono Tribute and many more artists have been signing up for the day and night is Rojales on the 29th April from 11 am for more info watch the local and radio or call Linda on 966 716 919


We here at Real Radio In Quesada hope to be able to supply your TV link should know by Monday if possible.

We at Real Radio may be at The event as our main station sponsors are Citroen Benijofar again will confirm
Real Radio - Real Music - For Real People Studio Number for requests 672 865 825 e-mail [email protected]

Commented The Sheriff Real Radio 95.6 in Quesada 2011-04-17 19:21:55 UTC

Are TKO radio providing some of the entertainment?

Commented lfuller1966 in Quesada 2011-04-18 19:38:55 UTC


Does anybody know of a good Spanish conversation group, don't seem to get too much practice in Quesada ..... sue


Berlingua (near Coopers) have a conversation class on Tuesday lunch times. Apart from that I don't know of any. However, if you do find another one, please let me know - I like to get as much practice as I can when I come over for visits.

Commented spanglish in Quesada 2011-03-16 17:56:01 UTC

Hi, there is a conversation group running in the university at Elche, Toastmasters International hold meetings in Spanish in Alicante and we will be starting a new one in Spanish in Mononlo´s Restaurant Doña Pepe Open Evening is the 8thApril 6-8pm.

I used to run a conversation group in Quesada and am quite happy to do it again if there is the interest.

Commented thewedding in Quesada 2011-03-16 21:27:51 UTC

Is the one in Manolo's going to be one that you can "drop in and out of" - I only come to Spain for a few months a year - and was the one that you ran, Linda, run along the same lines? I haven't got a car, but Manolo's is within a 20 min walk for me. What part of Quesada are you in Linda?

Commented spanglish in Quesada 2011-03-17 07:56:07 UTC

Linda, I would be intereted in joining a conversation group too. Like Spanglish though, I don't live here all the year round. Can you give me a bit more information re what the event at Manolos is please?

Commented Eileen in Quesada 2011-03-18 11:29:07 UTC

It's a shame that there has been no further response to this thread - it was starting to look very interesting!

Commented spanglish in Quesada 2011-03-22 18:55:54 UTC

We need to try to do something with this as I am also interested and have been waiting for information as to how to take it forward. Any ideas anyone?

Commented Patti in Quesada 2011-03-22 19:18:14 UTC

I think that it might be a good idea to contact Manolol's and ask about the exact level of the classes, and how big the class will be. I have their e-mail contact address. However, on another front it might be useful to find out how many people would be interested in a conversation class. I used to go to an informal one, in England. There were 8 members in the group, and we took it in turn to meet in someone's home. The problem all round (as with myself) is that some/many of the people interested may not be resident in Spain throughout the year

Commented spanglish in Quesada 2011-03-23 08:52:40 UTC

Hi two people have phoned me about the Spanish Conversation Class, need three more to get it going ring me on 966 716 919, don´t worry about your level we can sort that out.

Commented info in Quesada 2011-03-25 07:52:02 UTC

I attend Hablar in Benijofar .. Louise the teacher is excellant and is very flexible .. and reasonable. So you could adapt to what is suitable for you [email protected]

Commented Kchri39472 in Quesada 2011-04-03 10:24:27 UTC

Did this conversation group get off the ground (Linda's) - only I haven't seen any more about it?

Commented spanglish in Quesada 2011-04-16 13:18:18 UTC

Hi all
Only received 1 phone call about conversation classes, still willing to do them at Manolo´s Restaurant if there are people who want it.
email or call me Linda 966 716 919

Commented info in Quesada 2011-04-17 00:02:54 UTC

I was the one who called you!! It's a shame that there wasn't more interest

Commented spanglish in Quesada 2011-04-18 19:04:26 UTC


With so many places to eat and so much fantastic advise (thanks everyone)(see my earlier post) we have decided that we will be going to two places to celebrate. First we are going to go to Veloriens and then the next night we will go to the Banana Tree. I will let you all know if it was the right choice.
But I have made a list of all the places that have been recommended and am going to make it my personal mission to eat at all of them this year.

These are the places that have been voted as the best around and that I will be eating at all of them.

Restaurante Manolo (Lo Marabu)

Wok (Quesada)

Goyo´s (Quesada)

The Spice Hut (Quesada)

Frissan (San Miguel)

Argentinian (Quesada)

Parkside (Los Montesinos)

Portico Mar (Guadamar)

Let's Eat (Benimar)

Porticomar (Guardamar)

El Gusto (Benijofar)

Viloriens (Rojales)

Portico Mar (Guadamar)

Chinatown Laguna (Quesada)


Go to Sinfonia Roma the Italian by the Laguna hotel next door to the Chinese, China Town, already noted. It's excellent, big portions & very cheap we think for their MDD/MDN 3 course meals (yes lunchtime AND evenings from 8€ +IVA. inc a drink).

Go to Restaurant EL RASO on the El Raso urb, lemon tree road, only 6.50€ for a 3 course lunch Monday to Friday inc a drink, for bread, alioli, salad & 3 courses. Evenings are 12.90€ for a great meal. Entertainment some weekends, check them out.

We use both regularly.

Commented blogwriter in Quesada 2011-04-07 17:56:13 UTC

For The Best Fish And Chips In The World you have to visit The Inn Plaice In Torrevieja call 678 571 117 for details...........................
Best Fish and Chips In The World also have Scottish Black Pudding - Haggis and White Pudding THE REAL STUFF....................... FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Commented The Sheriff Real Radio 95.6 in Quesada 2011-04-07 21:53:38 UTC

Sorry but I have to say that we had some tak away food from the Sinfonia Roma and it was so bad the dog would not eat it.

Commented Dawn in La Marina 2011-04-12 05:58:33 UTC

I can see you have a great number of places to eat! It is very good but Portico Mar is listed 3 times. The Black Bull Torremendo is also very good and on Sunday Apr 17 The Charity Paul Cunningham Nurses have arranged a Carvery and Dance there starting at 7.30p.m. anyone interested in tickets should call or email Susan om 966 713 503 629 869 959 or send an email to [email protected]

Commented Susan Reader in Quesada 2011-04-12 16:09:25 UTC

There is another place also where the food is fantastic. The new minigolf of rojales. It is between the mercadona and the golf course.

Commented Jon in Quesada 2011-04-13 17:34:01 UTC

I would say the best Fish & Chips I have had is from Our Plaice La Marina urb, large fresh meals everytime.........and THE BEST curry sauce!

Commented Joolz in Quesada 2011-04-14 10:20:57 UTC

Totally agree with you, the fish and chips in Our Plaice La Marina is superb.

Commented toni in Quesada 2011-04-15 19:08:49 UTC

The Inn Plaice Torrevieja has Real Scottish Black Pudding Real Chip Shop Haggis and 2 curry sauces the Hot One is Simply the best around you must try The Inn Plaice they have clients who pass other chip shops and travel for miles to get THE BEST !
If you think you have tasted the best you have not yet been to THE INN PLAICE

Commented The Sheriff Real Radio 95.6 in Quesada 2011-04-17 19:30:42 UTC

I'd worry if owners DIDN'T say THEIR restaurant/cafe/company was the best though, & TWICE too, rtncliff :-)

Commented blogwriter in Quesada 2011-04-18 17:36:44 UTC


Hi Local People! Tomorrow at Manolo near Consum and Lidl Lo Marabu/Quesada we are having our first Paul Cunningham Nurses Quiz Night! Just €2 per person and it starts at 8.00p.m. do come and join us.



*Special Offer* - Have your Leather or Upholstery Suite cleaned and receive a *FREE* Rug Clean.


How much would a clean of 2 large 2 seater sofas cost? I have bought them secondhand and they need a good clean, I also have a rug in desperate need of a good clean!

Joolz x

Commented Joolz in Quesada 2011-04-17 10:25:21 UTC

Hi, thanks for the enquiry. It costs 20 euros per seat, therefore, 80 euros for two 2-seaters and the Rug will be cleaned for "FREE". If you are interested, please feel free to call me on 689 271 580.

Commented joe novoa in Catral 2011-04-18 11:55:25 UTC

You will be pleased with their work,
a good company who even does a fantastic Paella!!

Commented fbb in Catral 2011-04-18 13:37:08 UTC


HI Does anyone know of a SLR digital camera repair shop in the quesada rojales area, Thanks for looking, Geoff



Don't forget today you are invited to a preview of the Bride who will be at The Royal Wedding Fiesta in Rojales on Friday 29th April -

TODAY (MONDAY) 18th April at La Herradura Restaurant in Los Montesinos

There is a Very Special Show and you are cordially invited by the owners to come and enjoy Cava and Cake and a tour around La Herradura Restaurant.

Come and join us - hope to see you later! Starts at 11.00a.m. Bride arrives at 12.00 midday



What a great win for United, unfortunately I had to watch at home. are there any bars with a large screen to watch them win the final.


You were lucky. Hahahahah

Football Souvenirs.

Commented David Croft in Quesada 2011-04-14 17:18:45 UTC

coopers arms dona pepa

Commented olylowe in Quesada 2011-04-16 19:27:35 UTC

hi ive joined the almoradi forum but dont seem to get daily diary updates that i get from the quesada site is there someting i need to sign up to ?

Commented cafe vienna in Quesada 2011-04-16 22:52:48 UTC

Because you signed up as a member of Quesada Life first then you will get your Daily Diary from this site. We do not have a system YET that you can choose which Daily Diary you would like.
The best thing to do at the moment is sign up to Almoradi Life with a different email address and then you will get the Daily Diary from Almoradi

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2011-04-17 17:40:13 UTC


Hi All
I am a big fan of this website however, since the new advertising banners came into play (of which there are currently three) I find it most annoying when trying to use the navigation bar as the cursor is automatically bringing up these advertisements in full as part of the navigation bar is now minimised by the Ads. I am hoping the website operator will make some adjustments so as to improve the situation. It would be helpful to know if its just me exoeriencing this problem ?


The pop up has now been turned off, and you now have to click on the banners to see them.

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2011-04-16 17:02:40 UTC